Tees Valley low carbon transport hubs
Developing a regional programme for EV infrastructure and incentives

Specifying the infrastructure and incentives required to encourage greater use of low emission vehicles
Urban Foresight was commissioned by the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) to develop a programme to stimulate the greater use of low emission vehicles.
This required a review of existing electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the region and neighbouring authorities. It also defined current levels of uptake of electric vehicles, which were benchmarked against national averages.
An extensive stakeholder engagement exercise was used to create a long list of possible sites for EV charging hubs across the region. This was refined in further consultation to create a priority list of 17 sites.
Cost estimates were developed for the total investment required for project and a fact file was created for each of the priority sites. This outlined key information such as location of the site, imagery, detailed costings and summary of the scoring criteria.
During the stakeholder engagement process several different operating models were presented for discussion. Procurement advice was provided to the local authorities on how best to structure their approach to ensure the best value for money while providing enough technical guidance to deploy an appropriate range of equipment.
The project also included a detailed approach to setting tariffs across the network, to ensure that annual revenue costs were covered during the initial period, while creating a framework that allowed for the variation of tariffs over time as demand increases with the full understanding of the impact this may have on future revenue streams.
All findings of the study were summarised into a concise report and delivered within a 6-week timeline.
Image credit: WinnieC