Manufacturing and innovation zone for health and life sciences
Strengthening the region's offer to inward investors

North East England has a thriving health and life sciences sector
North East England has a stated ambition to double the number of jobs and businesses that are active in the health and life sciences by 2030. The sector accounted for £1.7 billion of turnover in 2019, having grown by 22 per cent over the previous decade.
Urban Foresight reviewed the potential to create a specialist manufacturing and innovation zone to help generate this growth. Our focus was on strengthening the region’s offer to inward investors.
Business needs were profiled and mapped against existing assets in the region.
Clear and actionable options were developed for the manufacturing and innovation zone. This detailed the physical sites, support services, and incentives for businesses investing in the region.
Recommendations were rooted in evidence-based analysis and informed by dialogue with important national and regional stakeholders. This included the UK Government’s Office for Life Sciences and the Department for International Trade’s sector team, providing valuable insights on emerging policies and investment priorities.
We also gained industry insights from relevant sector bodies, investors, multinational corporates, and innovative small businesses.
Image credit: Louis Reed