London Innovation Gateway
Skills, training and R&D facilities for innovation

Havering Council wanted to create innovation and training spaces to boost skills and productivity for SMEs
Urban Foresight was commissioned to define opportunities for two new innovation hubs to boost employment and productivity in logistics, construction and engineering.
The first hub was to focus on logistics excellence, using latest technologies in robotics and automation, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, the Internet of Things, and virtual reality. The logistics hub will service the expansion of Heathrow airport, with components of the airport pre-assembled before being transported in consolidated loads.
The second hub was intended to support businesses in the construction and engineering sectors, providing access to the latest technology and developing a digitally-driven manufacturing approach to built assets.
Both sites are close to a shared-working space to house start-ups and growing businesses.
Urban Foresight worked extensively across local supply chains to undertake demand and needs assessment. In-depth engagement with the local community and businesses highlighted important challenges in innovating and using digital technologies.
We then undertook a strategic policy review and drafted a full business case which secured £1.8m funding from the Greater London Authority.
Urban Foresight was also retained to support the Council in appointing an operator for the London Innovation Gateway.
Image credit: XR Expo