Green economic development strategy for Winchester
Sustainable economic development capitalising on low carbon innovation and skills

Joining up economic growth and the transition to net zero is becoming a policy priority across the UK.
Urban Foresight’s Green Economic Development Strategy for Winchester City Council delivers a framework to ensure that the District will benefit from the new low carbon jobs, goods, and services that will needed to support the UK’s transition to net zero in the next decade.
The strategy links national and global challenges to the local assets, opportunities, and values in Winchester District. This facilitates the evaluation of choices on levels of ambition and relative priorities for issues like social mobility, inter-generational tensions, and the balance between knowledge economy and foundational sectors.
It is underpinned by sustainability appraisals, embedding carbon reduction into the district’s economic planning. This ensures that that new and existing industries benefit from green growth and that no communities are left behind.
Under the themes of ‘Levelled-Up District’, ‘20-minute District’, ‘Enterprising District’ and ‘Resilient District’, the strategy provides an outcomes-focused set of actions. This includes: skills and jobs, housing and development, transport and infrastructure, and opportunities in the large rural, agriculture, visitor, and knowledge-based sectors.