Katie is a systems-thinker, designer and researcher. She has a deep commitment to strengthening health systems, interdisciplinary collaboration, place-based solutions at the intersections of health and the environment.
Her undergraduate degree in Knowledge Integration, with International Relations, provided the opportunity to develop interdisciplinary collaboration and communication skills and develop her interest in Global Health Policy.
This interest led her to complete an MSc in Global Health Policy at the University of Edinburgh, where her research explored pathways for reducing the carbon emissions of health systems through mapping methodologies.
Katie has undertaken an internship with the Engineering Change Lab leading user research and testing for the development of the digital Tech Stewardship Platform. It was also an opportunity to refine her outreach, community engagement, interviewing and report development skills.
She has also worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Edinburgh investigating public financing of home care as well as looking at the relationship between sleep disorders and the ability of dementia suffers to continue living in their own homes.