Alexandra Rive

Alexandra Rive

Project Specialist

Alexandra brings a decade of experience working and volunteering in the heritage sector.  Prior to joining Urban Foresight she worked at a university museum as an engagement officer. There she developed her skillset in public engagement and collaboration with higher-education and third-sector organisations.  

She holds a master’s degree in Digital Heritage from the University of York. Her research focused on cost-effective and sustainable solutions for small organisations to enhance visitor experience with a particular interest in using existing technologies from other sectors in innovative ways.  Her dissertation investigated gaming as a method for sharing collections and used a mixed methodological approach developing strong research and analytical skills.  

During her honours degree in Social Anthropology she pursued an interest in health and climate communication. This culminated in a dissertation on the response of environmental organisations to COVID-19 which involved extensive social media research.   

She feels deeply about using her experience to foster positive, innovative and sustainable solutions, especially in the fields of heritage, tourism and public health.