News, blogs, and events

Urban Foresight Hosts European Marketplace for Smart Cities
As part of the EV4SCC initiative, Urban Foresight organised a workshop in cooperation with the Market Place of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, to discuss how the large-scale deployment of electric vehicles can contribute to making European cities smarter, more sustainable and more competitive.

Urban Foresight Kicks off New Project for Croatia’s National Power Company
Urban Foresight met with representatives of Croatia’s National Power Company, Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) to kick off a new project

Dundee Shortlisted as one of Twelve Bidding to Become Ultra Low Emission City
Urban Foresight’s bid for Dundee in the Go Ultra Low City Scheme has been successful in reaching the next stage of the selection process.

Engaging the Local Community on Orkney’s Electric Future
Urban Foresight visits Orkney to undertake a workshop exploring the opportunities to exploit the islands’ oversupply of renewable energy.

E-cosse Forum on the Future of Electric Mobility
The 8th E-cosse Stakeholder Forum discussed the future of electric mobility

New Report Explores the Global Future of Electric Mobility
World changing ideas that will shape the future of electric vehicles (EVs) have been unveiled today in a new edition of the EV City Casebook.