26th March 2020
Urban Foresight publishes ground-breaking analysis of Europe’s connected and autonomous vehicles market
New research by Urban Foresight reviews the infrastructure required to support connected and autonomous vehicles and establishes a framework for investment in this rapidly emerging market.
The global market for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) is estimated to reach £907 billion by 2035 (Transport Systems Catapult, 2017).
However, most current estimates are limited to the production of CAVs and their enabling technology. They do not account for their enabling infrastructure and the wide variety of consumption models that CAVs may enable, including additional services like fleet management, mobility as a service, or platooning.
Urban Foresight’s “Market Needs for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles” report provides guidance to CAV technology or infrastructure operators to make commercially viable development decisions that are informed by the value to end users.
This research establishes a technology-agnostic, user-led and value-focussed approach for analysing the full scope of the connected vehicles market – an approach which has to date been under used in this technology space.
Value is categorised across six broad markets for services that could be delivered by vehicle connectivity:
- Automated driving: connectivity is used to directly supporting the operation of automated vehicles.
- Informed journeys: the most mature of the markets, where drivers use integrated or other devices to connect with a live information source on the journey ahead. For example, sat navs or mobile navigation applications.
- Intelligent management: connectivity provides road network and fleet operators with detailed, live information on vehicles, enabling them to make data-driven decisions on the operation of their network or fleet.
- Coordination of vehicles: where the choice of route and driving behaviours of vehicles is instructed by the network or fleet operators for the best overall outcomes for the users of the network or space.
- Connected travellers: connectivity that enables travellers to be productive or to be entertained whilst travelling in an automated vehicle.
- Underpinning communication services such as secure encoding or data analysis, that enable a safe and effective communication network with no interoperability or legacy equipment issues.
The analysis frameworks in our report – including this six-part market definition – have been designed to support further research, analysis and development. This will ensure that a common understanding of the users and their value perceptions are central to the rapidly emerging CAV market.
This work is a key deliverable of a wider €10.2 million flagship European project called ICT4CART. Urban Foresight’s partners in this project include Airbus, BMW, IBM and Nokia who are working together to harness the potential of ICT solutions for connected an autonomous vehicles.
ICT4CART is a European Commission Horizon 2020 research project that is designing, building and trialling ICT and connectivity infrastructure for road transport in four real-world test sites. Connected vehicles will be tested on motorways in Austria, in urban networks in Italy and Germany, and the at border crossing between Austria and Italy.
Paul Blakeman, Head of Innovation at Urban Foresight, said: “Urban Foresight’s extensive learned experience in commercialising innovative mobility products and services has enabled us to design and deliver this important analysis.”
“Our structured approach to market analysis will enable our partners in ICT4CART to produce and trial connectivity infrastructure that delivers a valuable service. The benefits of this work are potentially even further reaching and we’re delighted to play a role in helping to make Europe’s roads safer, more efficient, more comfortable and more effective for all of its users.”
Read the full report on the analysis of Market Needs for Connected and Autonomous Road Transport here.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 768953. Content reflects only the authors’ view and European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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