10th September 2015
Urban Foresight Exhibits at UK’s Largest Low Carbon Vehicle Event
Urban Foresight joined partners from Dundee City Council, Transport Scotland and the V&A Museum of Design to exhibit at the annual Cenex LCV event at Millbrook proving ground on 9th and 10th September.
LCV is a free-to-attend event that explores the latest research, technology developments and early market deployment for low carbon vehicle technologies, through a combination of exhibitions, a comprehensive seminar programme and a ‘Ride & Drive’ where delegates can try out cutting edge solutions for themselves.
The event attracted more than 2,850 delegates, with visitor’s to our stand given an overview of the transformations taking place in the City of Dundee. Fleet Managers from Dundee City Council explained their achievements in amassing the UK’s largest local authority fleet of electric vehicles and installing the UK’s first and most extensive city-wide rapid charger network. Virtual reality googles were also on hand to provide an interactive future vision of the city which is currently undergoing a £1 billion transformation.
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