26th June 2017
Positive Incentives to Reward Change
Urban Foresight and the Energy Saving Trust have won funding to deliver a Living Lab project to test the value of positive incentives and smart technologies to discourage use of fossil fuelled vehicles.
The living lab is funded under the EMPOWER project, a €4.89 million international collaboration to reduce the reliance of cities on fossil fuelled vehicles. EMPOWER will create a set of new tools to influence the mobility choices and behaviour of drivers, using positive incentives delivered through smart technologies. It is funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and administered by the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds.
Urban Foresight, working in partnership with Energy Saving Trust, will develop and deliver a tailored programme of engagement activities at workplaces across Scotland. This will build on the Switched On @ Work programme which supports organisations interested in helping their employees to identify the benefits of switching to ultra-low emission vehicles.
“This project will provide fully funded support to public and private sector organisations across Scotland and will engage up to 40,000 employees” said Andrew Willis, Head of Projects at Urban Foresight. “Each engagement will be tailored to the unique requirements of the organisation, be delivered by Energy Saving Trust’s expert advisors and benefit from the wider toolkit being developed in the EMPOWER project.”
Any organisations that would be interested to receive this support should contact:
Andrew Willis at andrew.willis@urbanforesight.org or Energy Saving Trust at SwitchedOn@est.org.uk
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 636249
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