5th October 2015
E-cosse Forum Held in the City of Discovery
Organised by Urban Foresight and Transport Scotland, the 10th E-cosse forum brought together nearly 60 experts from the public and private sectors to explore transformational policies, communication strategies and behaviour change initiatives to accelerate widespread adoption of plug-in vehicles in Scotland.
The forum was focused on good practice and key insights related to promoting awareness, confidence and positive attitudes.
The day saw insights from a range of speakers including Zak Tuck of Transport Scotland who used recent research to frame the policy context and Gary McRae from Dundee City Council who discussed the city’s bid to Go Ultra Low.
Mike Donald of Michelin explained how the company is working to provide employees with the necessary facilities to adopt electric vehicles whilst Chris Van der Kuyl, Chairman of 4J Studios, spoke about his personal experiences as an EV owner, the future EV marker and the potential role Dundee could have at the forefront of this.
An overview of recent research into the attitudes towards EVs and what this might mean for future policy was discussed by Jillian Anable and Craig Morton from the University of Aberdeen and Nigel Holmes of the Scottish Hydrogen Fuel Cell Assocation highlighted the work of the Scottish Transport Emissions Partnership (STEP) in raising awareness of air quality.
Neil Harrison discussed the lessons learned by the Scottish Government on EVs and running public awareness campaigns and Chris Ramsey drew on his experiences from Plug-in Adventures giving an overview of the success of different approaches to raising awareness.
Photos from the day can be viewed here and slides from the speakers’ presentations are available to download here.
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