12th May 2018
Catch-up on the 17th E-cosse Forum and GreenFleet Scotland
Speaker presentations from the 17th E-cosse Stakeholder Forum and GreenFleet Scotland are now available to view.
E-cosse, Scotland’s national electric mobility partnership, and run by Urban Foresight, held its most recent Stakeholder Forum in Inverness, the 17th edition of the event on 11th May 2018. The Forum featured a series of presentations exploring the theme of electric mobility in rural and remote localities. Featured presentations included speakers from Transport Scotland, the Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS), Robert Gordon University, Moray Carshare, E-Car Club, the Energy Saving Trust (EST), Springfield Properties Ltd. and Orkney Renewable Energy Forum (OREF).
All the speaker presentations from the 17th Forum can be downloaded here.
E-cosse also held a forum at the annual GreenFleet Scotland event in Edinburgh on 4th May 2018. Featured presentations included speakers from Urban Foresight, Scottish Power and EST.
All the speaker presentations from the GreenFleet forum can be downloaded here.
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