7th February 2023
Developing a SMART strategy for Anglesey
A smart action plan for the Isle of Anglesey.
The Isle of Anglesey is home to a population that is largely located in remote areas. Communities face specific challenges related to climate change, poor internet connectivity and a higher-than-normal energy demand.
Urban Foresight was commissioned to bring their expertise in smart places, data, and technology to develop a bespoke smart island strategy focused on tackling these issues.
The strategy addressed six key themes: community, culture and heritage, digital, energy, economy, environment and transport.
We mapped existing activities, held stakeholder interviews and workshops that captured the situation and determined the actions to focus on. This work included building on existing smart projects, such as energy regeneration and hydrogen.
Working with local people was an essential part of the process to ensure the right decisions were being made for the community. We are committed to building a shared sense of purpose to ensure the strategy moves forward.
The final action plan was prioritised into three categories: must do, should do, and could do. This ensured the community had the necessary resources and support the continued transition to a data-driven island and be prepared to meet any future challenges.
Dr Maddy Thompson, Senior Consultant at Urban Foresight, said “We are thrilled to be working with Menter Mon on this project. It’s an exciting opportunity to show how smarter islands can support economic and environmental improvements for remote communities. This trailblazing rural community will be well-equipped to continue transitioning to a data-driven island and be ready to meet any future challenges.”
This plan also benefited from Urban Foresight’s previous activity including Smart towns and villages in Northern Ireland and the border counties and Smart Towns Wales – How can towns in Wales get better at using data.
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