17th March 2016
Blueprint for Smart Cities in Scotland
Urban Foresight has been commissioned to produce a Blueprint for Smart Cities in Scotland.
The contract was awarded through a competitive process by the Scottish Cities Alliance, a unique collaboration of Scotland’s seven cities and the Scottish Government working together to deliver economic growth. Through the Scottish Cities Alliance millions of pounds have been invested to make Scotland’s cities smarter, using new technologies to accelerate and transform the delivery of city services.
The project will draw on Urban Foresight’s expertise of developing co-operative strategies and comprehensive knowledge of Smart Cities, Big Data, Open Data, the Internet of Things and the wider Future Cities Agenda.
A key objective will be to provide guidance to help inform how Scottish city regions make best use of their resources by using data intelligence both across local authority boundaries and between different service providers to drive improved services. This will complement and support the Scottish Cities Alliance existing Smart Cities programme and further establish the growing reputation of Scottish Cities in this field.
The project will run to the summer 2016, with the main output being a Smart Cities Blueprint. Urban Foresight will develop the Blueprint with the full support of the Alliance’s primary stakeholders, with the ambition to ensure that it takes into account all relevant local, national and international policies and strategies.
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