1st November 2019
Advancing Digital Infrastructure and Connected Communities in London
Urban Foresight appointed by Southwark Council to address the challenges and opportunities of a digital future.
Urban Foresight will undertake a review of Southwark’s existing Digital Infrastructure Strategy and support the development of a Connected Communities Strategic Framework.
Southwark is a diverse and forward thinking central London borough with a young and vibrant population. It is undergoing significant spatial change as development continues apace particularly in the north of the borough nearest the Thames. Huge progress has been made connecting over 50,000 homes with fibre and the council is committed to ensuring the best and most inclusive access to digital connectivity for its citizens and businesses going forward.
In order to ensure that Southwark is fully equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities of the digital future Urban Foresight has been appointed to work closely with the Council and stakeholders around three core themes:
Connectivity – Digital Inclusion – Smart Cities
Urban Foresight’s work will involve a review of existing and emergent regional and national policy, the analysis of industry best practice and case studies, the identification of additional funding opportunities, and ensuring that the resulting framework meets the Council’s goals around diversity and inclusion as well as being aligned with ongoing ambitions around sustainability and the low carbon agenda.
Graham Thrower, Head of Investment and Infrastructure, said “Urban Foresight’s extensive practical experience from our innovation partnerships with the likes of Dundee and Newcastle was a key factor in winning this work. We will be looking to deploy this empirical evidence based approach in the context of developing the Connected Communities Strategic Framework for Southwark Council.”
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