11th October 2015
80 Days of Climate Actions in Transport
Urban Foresight’s EV City Casebook was presented a ‘flagship transport action’ in 80 Day Campaign on climate transport action, leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21).
It is a further accolade for the award winning Casebook, which outlines 50 Big Ideas shaping the future of electric mobility.
The ‘80 Days Campaign on Climate Action in the Transport Sector’ is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands and the SLoCaT Partnership. The 80 Days Campaign references the famous Jules Verne novel to create a countdown process to COP21, showcasing real world solutions on a daily basis on the website of the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC). These best practices on transport and mobility will also be put in context and analysed to develop recommendations on policy, technology and innovation, finance and the use of multi-stakeholder partnerships, with the aim to present these at the Climate Summit in Paris, in December 2015.
The campaign supports the Transport Action Area under the Lima Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) and documents and communicates climate actions in the transport sector. Climate Actions in the transport sector help raise awareness amongst individuals, organisations and the business sector on the potential to undertake action on transport and climate change.
They provide policy makers at national and local government level with confidence that action can be taken. As part of this campaign, Urban Foresight’s EV City Casebook has been made available through the website of the PPMC as a flagship ‘Transport Climate Action’ – here.
Transport as a sector accounts for nearly one-quarter of global energy-related CO2 emissions. The electrification of road transport offers significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. The goal of the Casebook then is twofold: to demonstrate the significance of what has been achieved to date and to show how innovative solutions can create new opportunities for electric mobility in the future.
The Casebook is being actively used by governments and NGOs and has been cited by OLEV, the European Commission and extensively used by researchers and industry practitioners. It is freely available with the specific objective to promote good practice and encourage wider take-up of low emission vehicles. Urban Foresight continutes to use the 50 big ideas to inspire progress and show how the world changing ideas featured in the publication might accelerate EV adoption around the world.
The scope of the 80 Days Campaign covers all sub-sectors and modes of transport across road, rail, water and air. It is designed to contribute to increasing the resilience of the transport sector, adapting it to negative impacts of climate change. A focus is on lowering CO2 emissions through reduced fuel consumption and improved cost efficiency including lowering the emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants. The criteria also aims to generate sustainable development related benefits such as reduced air pollution, improved road safety and reduced congestion.
Climate Actions can focus on technological innovation, finance, multi-stakeholder partnerships and climate policy instruments from a local to a global scale. A full list of the Climate Actions in Transport can be viewed here.
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