Advanced Mobility

Smart and sustainable mobility consultancy

Connecting people in sustainable places

User-centric, sustainable transport systems with new modes, operating models, and technologies.

Why Urban Foresight?

1/ Thought leadership
Recognised experts that have shaped local, national, and global policy.
2/ Practical experience
We've installed infrastructure, implemented incentives, and introduced new mobility services.
3/ Strategic overview
Deep understanding of related policies and systems, including: transport, public health, and economic development.
4/ International perspectives
We've worked around the world collecting and developing international best practice.
5/ Investment secured
We've secured millions of pounds for smart and sustainable mobility projects.

How can we help?

Active and sustainable transport

Strategies and solutions to reduce emissions from transport and promote active lifestyles.

Mobility hubs

Co-locating public, shared, and active travel services to increase accessibility and facilitate multi-modal journeys.

New mobility services

Advanced solutions for public transport, logistics, and shared mobility services.

Mobility as a Service

Seamless access to the most appropriate transport mode or service as part of an integrated bundle of flexible options. 

Smart parking

Sensors and digital technologies to integrate parking, guidance, payment, and analytics.